Analysis based on 1110 records from January 01, 2020 to September 18, 2024

Last updated on September 18, 2024

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Historical performance

Historical performance report
5 Days 15 Days 50 Days 200 Days 1000 Days
Start Date September 12, 2024 August 29, 2024 July 09, 2024 November 30, 2023 June 12, 2020
Net Return -0.48% -4.75% 32.21% 61.98% 860.37%
Average Daily Return -0.096% -0.324% 0.560% 0.241% 0.226%
Average Close Price 992.20 1036.33 951.56 680.06 522.40
Lowest Close Price 958.30 958.30 752.75 459.95 104.25
Highest Close Price 1018.95 1092.25 1092.25 1092.25 1092.25

Average daily rolling returns

Distribution of Close price

Last close price: 1018.95

Last candle: Green

DEEPAKFERT first closed above this last close price on Thursday, October 20, 2022 which was 699 days ago.

Since then, it has closed over this price 4.2% of times which is 20 trading days.

Streaks by candle types

Overall percentage of Green candles: 49.7%

Current streak of Green candles: 1

Net change so far for the current streak: 6.33%

Probability of streak continuing: 48.9%

Proportion by candle types

Spearman correlation over moving averages